Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small information file that is sent to your computer, mobile, tablet or other device when you visit a website. These files are used to ensure each user has the most relevant experience possible when using a website. This includes remembering your preferences, and ensuring all adverts or offers are relevant to you.

Wren Kitchens Limited uses cookies to help you shop using our website ( and associated pages (the Site) more effectively and to place online orders. We do not store personally identifiable information in our cookie data. We also use some carefully selected third party suppliers to enhance your online experience and they will place cookies on your computer for use on our website too.

Cookies are perfectly safe to be stored on your computer and almost all web browsers have cookie storing enabled as default. However, all browsers have the option of disabling cookies being stored on your computer if you wish to do this.

Our cookie policy

Our cookies collect anonymous information on how people use the Site, and don't store sensitive information such as your name, address or credit/debit card details. If you visit the Site when your browser is set to accept cookies, we will interpret this as an indication that you consent to our use of cookies and other similar technologies as described in this policy. However, if you would prefer to restrict, block or delete cookies from the Site, or any other website, you can use your browser to do this.

The Wren Trade cookie list

To help you understand how we use cookies we are providing a list of the cookies in use on

We will update this page as we gather more information and as any cookies change on our sites. Whilst we intend to update this page regularly, there may occasionally be some cookies missing from the list.

Third party cookies

When you visit the Site you may notice some cookies that are not related to Wren Trade. If you go on to a web page that contains embedded content, for example from YouTube, you may be sent cookies from these websites. We don't control the setting of these cookies, so we suggest you check the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.

Some of the business partners that may set cookies on the Site include:

Google Analytics
These cookies enable the function of our data analytics package – Google Analytics. This software helps us track and analyse visitor information such as browser usage, new visitor numbers, response to marketing activity and shopping times. That information helps us to improve the Website and your shopping experience, and to make our marketing campaigns relevant. The data stored by these cookies can be seen only by the relevant teams at Wren Kitchens and Google. The information is anonymous and never reveals any personal or financial data.
Hotjar stores first-party cookies on the visitor's browser. These cookies collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the Website. We collect this information in a way which does not personally identify anyone.
Facebook stores first-party cookies on the visitors browser. Cookies are set by the Facebook script and allows Wren Kitchens access to advertising features such as audiences, conversions, targeting an optimisation as well as Facebook Analytics data. Wren Kitchens uses cookies to collect information about actions users take on Website in order to target ads to people on Facebook networks. The information is anonymous and never reveals any personal or financial data.
DoubleClick Floodlight
DoubleClick Floodlight cookies enable us to understand if you complete certain actions on our Website after you have seen or clicked through one of our display / video advertisements served on Google or other platforms via DoubleClick. DoubleClick uses this cookie to understand the content with which you have engaged on our Website so they may subsequently deliver some targeted advertisements to you.
Bing UET
The Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking script uses first-party cookies to help us understand how our Bing campaigns perform by tracking actions on our Website once ads have been clicked. Wren Kitchens uses data passed via these cookies to track conversions (such as purchases or leads) or target audiences using remarketing lists. Microsoft collects the behavioural data and Bing Ads retains it for 180 days. UET will also collect the IP address and the Microsoft cookie (with an expiration date of 13 months). This cookie contains a GUID assigned to the user's browser, and/or an ID assigned to a user as long as it authenticated through their Microsoft account. In general, the cookie in the relevant domain and IP address are always passed with every http request and not just via UET. Bing Ads doesn't resell this data to third parties or share it with other advertisers.
Pinterest stores first-party cookies on the visitor's browsers. These cookies are set by the Pinterest script implemented on the Wren Kitchens Website. Cookies set by the Pinterest script allows Wren Kitchens access to advertising features on Pinterest such as audiences, conversion goals and Pinterest Analytics in order to personalise ads on Pinterest networks. The information is anonymous and never reveals any personal or financial data.
The Kenshoo Global Tag script uses first-party cookies to track actions on our Website such as when a visitor schedules an appointment. This data is used to make our marketing campaigns more relevant and can be seen only by the relevant teams at Wren Kitchens and Kenshoo. The information is anonymous and never reveals any personal or financial data.

Managing your cookies

You have different options to manage the cookies on your computer or device. You can change your browser settings to prevent cookies from being accepted, or, depending on which browser you are using, you might be able to receive an alert when a website is trying to place one on your browser. With most browsers you can allow first party cookies to be set but refuse third party cookies.

If you change your cookie preferences, you will still be able to browse around the Site but certain functions will not be available.

Your browsers 'help' menu should tell you how to block cookies or change your cookie settings. How you adjust your browser will depend on the browser you are using.

You can delete cookies stored in your browser by using a function in your browser. Whilst this does not mean you won't collect cookies in the future, it gives you freedom to delete your cookies after you have been online. This function is often known as 'clearing cookies'.

Clearing your cookies on one browser of one device does not automatically clear them on another. You need to clear all browsers on all channels independently.

You can find some helpful information about controlling your cookies on (this link will open in a new window). Wren is not responsible for the content published on this page.

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